Custer County 1,579 Acres Cropland & Pasture
Property Overview: This contiguous land spans 1579.35 acres in southern Custer County, Nebraska, conveniently located 16.5 miles north of Cozad or 11 miles southwest of Callaway. It offers a balanced mix of productive cropland and hard land pasture, making it well-suited for both row crop and cattle operations.
Water: The property addresses water needs efficiently, with an underground pipeline installed in the last 10 years. In addition, there are two strategically placed submersible wells—one in the southeast corner and another in the north-central portion. Several dams are also scattered throughout the property.
Land Composition:
With 633.26 acres of crop land and 935.44 acres of grassland, the property is thoughtfully divided. The crop land, featuring mostly Class 2 and 3 rated soils, including Hall, Gates Sandy Loam, and Hord Silt Loam, is highly productive for row crop cultivation.
Access: Convenient access is provided from Roten Valley Road on the west and County Road 420 on the east. The property is organized with separate fencing for the pasture land, and a catch pen is available on the bottom 80-acre tract.
Taxes: The property’s 2023 taxes amount to $16,758.48, and information on base acres is forthcoming.
Legal Description: Section 1, Section 2, and part of the South ½ of Township 13 North, Range 24 West of the 6th PM, Custer County, Nebraska.
Price: $4,150,000
Broker: Adam Marshall 308-455-4410